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Turning data intoIntelligence

  • Friendly and intuitive

  • 15 tools in a single solution

  • Adapts to your environment

Built by analysts for  Analysts

Based on 25 strong years of experience, we specialize in investigative analysis and our commitment is to develop robust and adaptive solutions.

Link Analysis

Far beyond entity and link diagrams, link analysis brings a set of visual analysis brings a set of visual and analytical tools to deepen the understanding of investigative relationships.


Experience the power of spatial visualization for your data with Caseboard’s mapping capabilities. Unlock a comprehensive spatial perspective by generating analytical maps, heat mapping, and route analysis.


Graphical analysis and construction of dashboards in an uncomplicated, customized way and within reach of all users make the interaction and visualization of data more productive and agile.

Mobile Explorer

A powerful explorer for analyzing and cross-referencing multiple pieces of evidence at the same time, including linked face analysis, file hashes, metadata, OCR, object detection, and more.

Time Patterns

Synchronized events that repeat over time can be found in the midst of a large volume of data and can reveal modus operandi in any temporal information.

Social Media

Information obtained directly from social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter enrich the analyzes and allow a deeper understanding of behaviors and relationships.

Tools for Analysis

Link, map, graph and social network analyzes, through facial recognition, temporal patterns, data visualization, and many more tools to transform raw data into real valuable information.

The 4 Pillars

The most complete solution for criminal analysis and combating fraud

Caseboard is the only solution that brings the most modern solutions for intelligence teams in a single environment. It includes tools for link analysis, biometrics, data source integration, case management, team management and knowledge production, collaborative environment, mobile forensics and analytical reporting.

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